Monday, February 12, 2007

the first draft is complete!

now that i have completed the first draft of 'otherpleasespecify' i feel able to start a blog about it. it's almost certainly going to be a long road from this first draft to seeing it on stage.
to be honest, i'm just happy i've stuck at it this long - i've never completed a play before.
actually that's not entirely true - i once wrote a soliloquy (or is that a monologue?) which is kind of a play i guess? in one act?
also my very first play was written when i was in secondary school - in those days it was called the first year, but now i guess it would be called year 7.
it was called 'pride & prejudice'.
i gave it to my english teacher to read and give comments.
she did: she asked me why i'd written it.
i said: 'oh i dunno really - i was bored in the summer holidays...'
she said: 'that's exactly how i felt when i read it'
and i didn't complete anything creative after that for a very long time.

now i'm in touch with someone in the english theatre berlin to submit my play to 'the lab'.
i'll tell you more about that another time.
suffice to say, they were interested in seeing what i've written.
that doesn't mean a lot. they probably say that to everyone.
but they didn't give me a deadline - they just said 'get it to us asap'.
so i'm gonna stop blogging and start pdf-ing.
more very soon...

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