Thursday, March 1, 2007


a reading of otherpleasespecify, starring

christie - allyson otoo
dirk - benedict bindewald
rita - meryl prettyman
k.b. - tyrell otoo
chorus & other characters - kristian bruun & katharina lehmann

stage directions & question and answer session - sarah lewis
director - sharon otoo

sharon says:
thank you all for agreeing to help me out on this
when i'm rich and famous y'all get a limosine each, ok?

1 comment:

Sharon Dodua Otoo said...

unfortunately meryl came down with some sort of evil lurgy and couldn't make it - so in the 11th hour (or whatever the expression is) sarah stepped in to read rita and kristian took over the reading of the stage directions....
many thanks to you both for that - and get well soon meryl!