Monday, March 5, 2007

photos from last night

tyrell did an excellent job of reading k.b. - i was afraid he would steal the show just because he was so cute. he didn't. he was cute, but he stole the show because he was so talented. damn!

katharina & kristian played various random - sometimes not very flattering - white people in the play. two very talented actors. i'm very proud to have worked with them.

our leading man and lady: benedikt as dirk and allyson as christie. what can i say? thank you sooo much for the blood, sweat and tears! it was all worth it in the end... :-)
the roles of dirk and christie were the most demanding of all - and both benedikt and allyson rose to the challenge admirably.

as meryl was unwell, she was unable to take part as planned. sarah stepped in literally at the last minute to read rita.
she was brilliant.

just before the reading, outside the theatre
back row: katharina, kristian, lewis, allyson, benedikt
front row: tyrell, dion

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